Collective trauma, Somatic and ecodelics


Altered states of consciousness include non-rational and non-linear experiences that need to find expression in a non-linear way, through the body, movement, metaphorical and symbolic expression, or sound, voice, music and dance. Somatic interventions can play an important complementary role in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and in the subsequent integration process. We can deepen our interconnection with our body and the body of the earth, which can enhance our well-being, help us unlock our full potential, and enable us to synthesize new directions for healing and transformation from selfishness to love for the earth. We are birthing an ancestral future.

In this module, "Enlightening an Ancestral Future - A Ceremony of Life," examples of working with altered states of consciousness used for personal and spiritual growth will be presented. These examples are based on both ancient wisdom traditions and the latest findings of modern scientific research on psychedelics in clinical applications. All of this is framed within a transpersonal, transcultural and transgenerational approach, and focuses on somatic and creative approaches to psychedelic interventions.

The content of this module is based on the concept of interconnectedness, assuming that everything is interconnected and impacts each other at a crossroads where ancient wisdom and modern science meet by synthesizing multidisciplinary perspectives, including but not limited to trauma-informed transgenerational approaches, cross-cultural, indigenous including plant medicines, spiritual, deep ecology, collective and community, creative and intimate approaches, art, dance and music, intertwined with the modern science of psychedelics and psychedelic-assisted therapy. We are in a global birthing process of "Birthing an Ancestral Future - Peoples Temple" to create a new harmony on Earth, caring with kindness and love for all relationships, including animals, plants, Nature and rocks, to create a new balance, without exploiting resources and without exceeding needs.


By participating in this module, students are expected to:

Dr. Regina Hess

Dr. Regina U. Hess is a clinical psychologist from Germany with a joint doctorate in transpersonal psychology (USA) and embodied phenomenology (UK). She is a body-centered gestalt therapist, creative therapist, transpersonal psychotherapist and supervisor. Regina has extensive experience in humanitarian work and research on global health issues. She is founder and director of the ASE World Forum. Ancient Wisdom meets Modern Science and is a specialist in working on the transformation of pre- and perinatal, individual and collective/transgenerational transcultural trauma, and integrates the therapeutic-shamanic use of altered states of consciousness, with a specific focus on the integration of Deep Ecology/Deep Feminine principles, including intimacy and sacred sexuality, and women’s councils. Regina teaches at international universities such as Alef Trust, UK, and transpersonal educational institutes, and is an independent researcher. Dr. Regina U. Hess is a member of the Board of Directors of the EUROTAS Global Transpersonal Network and the International Transpersonal Association, and is Vice President of the European Transpersonal Association. She co-founded the International Transpersonal Research Network and EUROTAS Transpersonal Research. She is a member of the Swiss Medical Society for Psychedelic Therapy and co-developer of the Experience Integration Program ‘Beyond Experience’ of the MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Science. Recently, Regina founded the global initiative Birthing an Ancient Future – Temple of the Peoples – Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council – From and to all Directions – For all Relations, which unites ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychedelic science with art and immersion in nature.