Transpersonal gestalt Claudio Naranjo


Claudio Naranjo, renowned Chilean psychiatrist and psychologist, left a lasting impact on the field of psychology and spirituality. Throughout his life, Naranjo developed a therapeutic approach that fuses Gestalt psychology with spirituality and the exploration of consciousness. His work is distinguished by its focus on personal growth and the search for inner truth.

This module provides an opportunity to explore the intersection of gestalt psychology and spirituality, enriching the participants' perspective and enabling them to more deeply and holistically approach the human journey towards self-knowledge and transformation.

The Transpersonal Gestalt module is presented as a journey into the intersection of gestalt psychology and spirituality. Throughout the course, participants will explore how the wisdom of gestalt psychology merges with transpersonal principles to foster a deeper understanding of the human experience. Key topics such as mindfulness, authenticity, self-regulation, polarities and the integration of spiritual aspects into therapeutic work will be addressed.


By participating in this module, students will have access to a better understanding of these topics:


Diego Minck

Diego Minck is a medical doctor with a specialization in psychiatry, whose outstanding career includes diverse areas of training and experience in the field of mental health.

Currently, he is the Director of the Claudio Naranjo Gestalt Viva School in Argentina, where he contributes to the development and teaching of innovative therapeutic approaches. In addition, he leads the Conciencia Abierta project, focused on promoting the expansion of consciousness and psychological well-being.

He holds a Master’s degree in Psychopharmacology from Favaloro University, which provides him with a solid knowledge in the field of psychiatric medications and their application.

His relationship with Claudio Naranjo dates back to 1999, having been a disciple and collaborator during all these years. He was trained in the Gestalt current by Naranjo himself and his international SAT team, which has given him a deep and practical understanding of this therapeutic methodology.

In addition, since 2006, he has been a disciple and collaborator of Master Ashanika Don Juan Flores Salazar from Mayantuyacu, Pucallpa, Peru, which has enriched his therapeutic perspective with ancestral knowledge.

He has broadened his training in diverse areas, including dynamic psychiatry under the tutelage of Lía Ricón and JC Stagnaro, as well as psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapies with Héctor Fiorini.

His expertise also encompasses group psychotherapy and psychodrama, having been trained by Hernán Kesselman and Eduardo Pavlovsky.

He has also acquired skills in cognitive psychotherapy for personality disorders through apprenticeship with Jeffrey Young, a disciple of Aaron T. Beck.

In addition, her training includes desensitization therapy for trauma, panic disorder and generalized anxiety, through the application of the EMDR method developed by Francine Shapiro.

Finally, she has been trained in family therapy with Glasserman approach, consolidating a wide range of therapeutic tools that she uses in her professional practice.