Joe Tafur, M.D., is a Colombian-American family physician. After completing his training at UCLA, Dr. Tafur spent two years in academic research at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry. After his research fellowship, over a period of six years, he lived and worked in the Peruvian Amazon at the traditional healing center Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual, training there as an Ayahuasquero. In his book “The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine,” through a series of stories, Dr. Tafur shares his unique experience and integrative medical theories.
He is currently a fellow at the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine. With his spiritual community in Phoenix, Dr. Tafur co-founded the Church of the Eagle and the Condor (CEC).
Dr. Tafur is also a co-founder of the nonprofit Modern Spirit, among their projects is the Modern Spirit Epigenetics Project, an analysis of the epigenetic impact of MAPS MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.
Xochi Bucuru Botache is a Colombian traditional healer, educator in the areas of health and human development, cultural manager, promoter of indigenous community projects.
Her learning about ancestral medicines, and especially about the healing processes with Yage, or Ayahuasca, began at the age of 14, thus giving birth to a life of total dedication to the study and service of ancestral knowledge.
Since 2009 she has been working as a traditional healer, receiving legal recognition by the Colombian Ministry of Culture in 2020 as a traditional doctor, which gives her the authority to provide training in areas of health, and provide care and support in natural treatments.
Her vocation for art and culture led her to study “Art, management and political culture” with the corporation Corpo Redes and the District University, training with which she has exercised in parallel the development of cultural projects and the direction of the Cultural Corporation Tras La Huella, a non-profit organization, promoter of transmission and protection of ancestral knowledge.
Co producer and scriptwriter of the documentary “Kumanday la ruta de los pueblos” and co-creator of the photo book Uchuamy, community pedagogical material.
This course is aimed at all those who are interested knowledge for the proper use of the wisdom of the master plants, and how these different forms of teaching to contribute to healing, understanding health as a state of integral consciousness.
The course starts on September, 2024.
The course will be taught in Spanish with simultaneous translation into English.
The duration of the course is two and a half months.
Yes, the course is online, you can access the course from anywhere in the world.
The course materials will be available forever. This includes the episodes and the transcript of the content.
We recommend that you dedicate one hour per day per week to study in depth the didactic material provided by the teacher.
The price of the online course for residents in Europe is 200 euro. For residents in Latin America it is adjusted to the minimum wage of the country, please consult
Send us an email to o WhatsApp +34 658 46 4708.
BMed Global propose and integral education for inner and social transformation.
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