

DATE: DATE: February 12th &19th - April 14th&17th



Psychedelics have been in vogue in the West since at least the 1960s. Initially, however, their use was not truly liberating. Hippies sought transient transcendent experiences that failed to integrate into the ordinary experience of individuals. Others sought to learn how to use them in the misnamed "shamanism" of various regions of the Americas, but there one starts from the axiom that the reality accessed in "shamanic" sessions is the true reality, while ordinary reality is an illusory reality. There is therefore a risk of placing oneself in the hands of beings whose whims can be unpredictable.

Currently, a third approach is being developed which claims to use psychedelics as an aid in psychotherapy. This approach has proven to give very good results on the relative level, but it is not focused on achieving transcendence, and, with it, freedom from all determining influences: both ordinary and shamanic reality.

The approach I call "meta-shamanic" can be illustrated by the Tibetan practice of chö (gcod): the practitioner induces in his experience visions of the beings that inhabit the afterworld in order to offer them one's own body as food and thus trigger an experience of absolute terror. Then, at the zenith of this experience, a way of looking at the mind is applied that allows, if the practitioner has the proper capacity and receives the blessings of our true nature, the visions to dissolve instantly, making it evident that neither "shamanic" nor ordinary reality is objective or absolute. Each time they dissolve, the practitioner is temporarily freed from conditioning by both realities - the "shamanic" and the ordinary - and, in the long run, the constant repetition of this dissolution neutralizes the propensity to take either of these realities as absolutely true and substantial. In this course we will not apply the latter practice, but we will elucidate the principles of it, which aims to free us from conditioning by any of the realities that can manifest in human experience.


By Participating in this course students are expected to:


Dr. Elias Capriles

Elias Capriles. Dzogchen teacher, philosopher, metachamanic facilitator and transpersonal psychology theorist. Elias has experientially researched psychedelics for many decades. He founded and managed two Spiritual Emergency Shelters (Swayambhunath and Anjuna Beach). He received all the Dzogchen transmissions and practiced that teaching in successive three-month retreats in the Himalayas. Later, he deepened his study of philosophy at two universities and produced a philosophical and psychological system based on Buddhism and Dzogchen, with an ecological orientation and an egalitarian tendency in social, economic and political matters – all expressed in many books, academic articles and book chapters-. In Mérida, Venezuela, he helped found the Ecologic Coordination “Arturo Eichler” and  participated in political ecology activities. He taught at the Universidad de Los Andes (Department of Philosophy, Chair of Oriental Studies, Africa and Asia Research Center) until his retirement, and has lectured extensively at multiple universities in Europe, America and Asia. He currently teaches Dzogchen in multiple countries, both within and outside the International Dzogchen Community. He is a board member of the International Transpersonal Association and the Iberoamerican Transpersonal Association, as well as participates in various academic journals in several countries. His work has been discussed in philosophy books in France, Spain, Mexico and Venezuela, as well as in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is aimed at all those who are interested in deepening their knowledge of metachamanism. They aspire to find tools to deepen both their personal and professional practice.

The online course starts on February 12th
The course will be in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

The duration of the course is two and a half months.

Yes, the course is online, you can access the course from anywhere in the world.

The course materials will be available forever. This includes the episodes and the transcript of the content.

We recommend that you dedicate one hour per day per week to study in depth the didactic material provided by the teacher.

The price of the online course for residents in Europe is 200 €.
For residents in Latin America it is adjusted to the minimum wage of the country, please consult

Send us an email to or WhatsApp +34 658 46 4708.