Emerging Paradigm. Towards Totality.


We are facing a crossroads of challenges and possibilities, a global crisis afflicts us. Mystical understanding tells us that the process of the dark night is potentially a catalyst for a great transformation, a process of annihilation of what is illusion and helps us to give birth to a new holy way of being in the deepest part of ourselves. Eco-communities that are emerging in different parts of the world, festivals like "Burning Man", "Boom" and many others, that make us live the fragrance of a new culture.

In this module, we will visualize the emergence of a new paradigm in the different fields of knowledge.

Towards wholeness, if we go forward there is no "I", there is a "we". We are all involved, we are a web of interconnections and this is known to the spirit, it is our deepest spiritual truth this sense of interconnectedness and interdependence, this is the great truth that is necessary to root in the earth to move forward as a collective human body in total resonance with Gaia and the whole cosmos.


By participating in this module, students will have access to a better understanding of these topics:


David Lukkoff

David Lukoff, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Sophia University in Palo Alto, CA and a licensed psychologist in California. His work focuses on spiritual and mental health issues. He has authored 80 articles and chapters and co-authored the DSM-IV and DSM-5 category Religious or Spiritual Problem. He is active in international training workshops for psychologists on spiritual competency, loss, grief, death, recovery, and spiritual crises.

 He has been on the faculty of Harvard, UCLA, Oxnard College, California Institute of Integral Studies and Saybrook, and has been active in training workshops for psychologists on spiritual competency in areas such as loss and grief, death and illness, spiritual problems and emergencies, as well as in Japan, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Romania, Portugal, France, Sweden, Italy, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova and England.

Vicente Merlo

Vicente Merlo has a PhD in Philosophy. He has lived several years in India, especially in the ashram of Sri Aurobindo (Pondicherry). He was a founding member of the “Society of Indian and Oriental Studies” as well as of the “Spanish Transpersonal Association”. He has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Parliament of World Religions (Barcelona, 2004). He has published a dozen books, among which we can highlight: The teachings of Sri Aurobindo (Kairós, 1998); The autoluminosity of the Âtman: approach to classical Hindu thought (Biblioteca Nueva, 2001); The call (of the) New Age: towards a mystical and esoteric spirituality, Kairós, 2007. Meditar -with Hinduism and Buddhism-, (Kairós, 2013); Filosofía ¿qué es eso? -Saber y Ser en Occidente y Oriente-, (Biblioteca Nueva, 2014); Sabiduría y gratitud, (Kairós, 2015) and Espiritualidad transreligiosa (La Llave, 2017).

Karina Bertolotto

Karina Bertolotto is a psychologist with a Master in Humanistic Psychotherapy from the Erich Fromm Institute in Barcelona. Currently, she teaches at the University of Barcelona in the Psychotherapy area of the Master in Music Therapy. She is also a professional member of Eurotas, the European Association of Transpersonal Psychology. Her training includes Claudio Naranjo’s Integrative Psychology program, having been involved since 2007 in Claudio Naranjo’s SAT. For five years, she had the responsibility of organizing this program in various places such as California, Canada, Brazil, China and Uruguay.Beyond her training in psychology, she is also an artist and writer. Her passion for comparative mysticism has led her to be a curious traveler, enriching herself with meaningful and transformative experiences during long stays in different countries. Founder and CEO of BMed Global Academy.